Not My University

While university students in America spend their days chanting vile hatred,
ripping down pictures of innocent babies (dear Kfir), trading in fear to their fellow students and waving flags representing the call to violent uprising under the leadership of smug university presidents believing themselves to be protected by woke policies designed to provide "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" for all except for Jews, this is what OUR university students are doing:

We are a proud Yeshiva University family. My daughter is part of a unique program that allows her to spend her credit-earning Freshman year in Jerusalem learning religious history, law and philosophy with other 18-year-old girls from around the world. Almost every one of her professors is the parent of at least one child who is now serving in the war. And yet they come everyday (sometimes via armored vehicles) to teach and enrich and grow the lives of our children. These are our teachers.

While American university students are spending their precious university hours calling the more death and destruction in the world, my daughter is picking strawberries in the South, organizing a free day-care for toddlers whose parents are now serving, handing out food for soldiers. These are our classrooms.

While American university leadership is at best turning a blind eye, at worst..well, you know... our president, the indefatigable Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman (who also currently has children risking their lives in the army) is spending every day talking hard truth to the media, meeting privately with other university presidents, providing words of strength and inspiration to students of all universities. These are our leaders.

And while UNRWA is spending hundreds of millions of American tax dollars to teach elementary Palestinian children how to be the next generation of terrorists, my daughter is a part of The Tikvah Fund overseas leadership program. Unlike students around the world who have learned how to close their mind from any basic reasonable analysis, she is expanding hers to include the hard questions of what kind of leadership will we need after the shooting stops. These are our curriculums.

And while on holiday break, while she and other students could choose to go party at the beach, my daughter and her classmates have created this beautiful holiday display in the heart of Jerusalem. And each night, they go and light another candle for each family member currently in captivity and unable to light for themselves. These are our students.

Because in our universities truth, love and leadership matter.
Because in our leadership we learn the model of who we can be.
Because in our world every single soul is a light unto the nations.

Join us. Be a light.


mHealth Israel


A Letter to My Jewish Friends