Gail Zahtz as Featured Jewish Guest

Gail Zahtz on Bodies & Souls Podcast

As a modern Orthodox Jewish woman, Gail speaks to Jewish audiences around the world connecting her personal journey with Torah concepts including

  • Nsyonos as a Gift

  • Living in Bitachon

  • Finding purpose

Given recent rises in international anti-semitism combined with the mis-representation of Jewish orthodox women in such pieces as Netflix’s “My Unorthodox Life”, she also works with media and speaks at events providing a different view of the Orthodox Jewish woman as part of the #MyOrthodoxLife movement.

She has written for many Jewish Publications including:

  • Hamodia

  • Yated

  • Jewish Action

  • Jewish Press

  • Kashrus Magazine

She has also speaks at Jewish events, Shabbatons and Programs including:

  • Panama Kosher Pesach Program 2023

  • Association of Jewish Outreach Programs

  • Meor- NYU Campus

Listen below for an hour where hosts of Bodies & Souls podcast gave Gail an opportunity to share her experiences through a Jewish Torah lens.




AVBCC Panel on Patient Engagement