Quotes of Zion

Let's share some light on this particularly dark day.

Let me introduce Chico Nooij M.A.

Earlier this month, Chico reached out via dm. He is a self labeled "non-Jewish Zionist" in the Netherlands. And he says there are "more of us then you'd expect."

He has been spending these months as an unpaid, behind-the-scenes advocate to spread the messages of humanity and Israel.

Among other things, he's one of the moderators for Time To Stand Up For Israel🎗️ founded by the amazing Sabin Ster🎗️🇮🇱🎗️ I highly highly recommend checking out this organization (they have a group here and on all social media platforms and a very active telegram account.) Their “tag line" alone is so inspiring:

*** Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now, Love mercy now. ***

Chico has spent his "free time" creating https://lnkd.in/eYRcURt7 which last I heard had over 1,700 pro-Zionist quotes (he's also translating these quotes and looking for Hebrew volunteer translators).

He wrote me the most heartfelt private message after reading https://lnkd.in/e7_3aaBK He asked permission to post a quote from that on his site (and I said, well OF COURSE!) and then sent me the screenshot below.

I know the world looks very very dark. Even turning on my computer or phone each morning is such a dreaded task- to see that no, in fact, there is an even lower level of depravity possible. And yet- there is so so much light. There is so much good. And there are so many people like Chico and Sabin- the righteous among the nations, the never-thought-they-were-Jews-Jews, the people I have seen mobilizing and doing good, and being great, and sharing love and light. The supporters of evil and darkness are loud, and appear to also win a lot of awards, but they are not the majority and they will not win.

It is dark my friends, but it is always darkest before the light.


Rosh Chodesh Nissan


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