More Anti-Semitic Arson Ignored

So Saturday (the Jewish sabbath) a man set fire to a local synagogue. Totally on purpose. Brought all his arson equipment, tried the building first, found setting fire to the rabbi’s van did a quicker job of catching the building on fire.

Three takeaways:
1. Almost no jews coverage, oh I mean NEWS coverage of course. I got more information from Israeli and Jewish publications than any mainstream news. And when covered, like with Fox News, it was very sanitized (the headline that he set fire to a car not a synagogue…)

2. Man arrested but no hate crime filed. What’s the excuse this time? It was a “one off” incident (please pull me off the floor from falling down laughing-crying…) and he’s mentally ill (ibid- I’ve been looking for sanity in the eyes of these “protestors!”)

3. Save your “West is Next” and “Never Again” please. It is here. Those who do not see it are doing so with intentionality- choosing to look away out of fear, anger, denial, apathy, overwhelmingness (pretty sure I made up that word…)

Hey Jewish folks- you’re not alone. Much of the world may not catch you, but we’ve got each other. Want to hatch an escape plan? We’re working on making it easier for you to get to Israel. Nope, we’re not going anywhere. Of course we’ll win. We have no where else to go.


Quotes of Zion


Red Cross Directly Involved in PA Pay-to-Slay