
The Underserved "Health Nomads"

Gail Zahtz coined the term "health nomads" to explain the people that our healthcare system has left behind. Health nomads don't have primary care access or doctors who are accountable for their care. They go to the emergency room or urgent care for standard health care needs. With a lack of data sharing and interoperability that would enable providers to see earlier tests, the cost of care spirals. Gail argues that the out of control costs of care in the U.S. are not primarily from doctors ordering unnecessary tests, but rather in part because tests and care have to be duplicated and there is no continuity of care because we've left behind too many people.


How Healthcare is Paid- A 2 Minute Moment with Gail Zahtz: Medicare versus Medicare Advantage


The #1 Cause of Personal Bankruptcy in the U.S.: Healthcare Costs