Red Cross Directly Involved in PA Pay-to-Slay

Let’s try to keep this simple with one sentence facts:

The Palestinian Authority pays hundreds of millions of dollars a year to tens of thousands of terrorists in (Israeli) jails for murder, rape and mutilation of children and women.

The PA pays hundreds of millions of dollars a year to the families of “martyrs” - terrorists who have died while killing, mutilating, raping and kidnapping little babies and girls.

For example: the family of Mohammed Tarayreh, who stabbed to death a 13-year-old Israeli girl in her bed, has been eligible for a monthly stipend from the Palestinian “Martyrs’ Fund” for over a decade.

The Red Cross (ICRC) who has been incapable of visiting a single hostage for months including failing to deliver life saving medicines has at the same time been going into Israeli jails and facilitating these pay-for-slay terror payments.

Governments fund 83% of the ICRC annual budget of over $2.5 billion

Governments’ budgets come from tax dollars.

You are personally paying for murder.

How’s that feel?

New Palestinian Media Watch expose quoted PLO Prisoner Affairs Authority chief, who described the Red Cross as “an essential partner in the process that enables payment to imprisoned Palestinians.”
— - Jerusalem Post

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