The Music Hasn’t Stopped

The music has not stopped at the site of the NOVA festival massacre.

This week my daughter’s school (Midreshet HaRova 💕💕) went to this and other 10.7 sites. Here is what they are singing:

“As for our brothers,​ the whole house of Israel, who are given over to trouble or captivity​, whether they abide on the sea or on the dry land:

May the All-prese​nt have mercy upon them, and bring them forth from trouble to enlargeme​nt, from darkness to light, and from subjectio​n to redemptio​n, now speedily and at a near time.״

This is how we win. We will not ever forget one another. We will not ever stop singing. We will not ever revoke renig or renogotiate. The people of Israel will live. Love will win. עמ ישראל חי


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