Gail Zahtz Gail Zahtz

Planting Ambassadors for Israel

Behind the scenes of this Times of Israel article about farming for Israel. Gail Zahtz is “planting ambassadors” to bring even more love to Israel.

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Gail Zahtz Gail Zahtz

Interoperability in a Combat Zone?

Interoperability in combat zones?

EHR in the field on a handheld?

NFC cards to transfer acute health information in real-time from the location of the trauma to treating inpatient doctors?

Wait, what? Is this science fiction? Another case of flagrant false <mis>information?

Nope. This is Israeli healthcare.

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Gail Zahtz Gail Zahtz

From Kibbutz Nir Oz

SHOW UP. I showed up to Israel and had the most unbelievable two weeks. I gave hugs. I cried with strangers and laughed with family. I laughed with people when we couldn't understand each other's language but could understand a hug.

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Gail Zahtz Gail Zahtz

mHealth Israel

Moderated by Gila Tolub, Gail Zahtz and former Ambassador Michael Oren speak for mHealth Israel at Herzog Law in Tel Aviv in January of 2024.

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Gail Zahtz Gail Zahtz

Not My University

And while UNRWA is spending hundreds of millions of American tax dollars to teach elementary Palestinian children how to be the next generation of terrorists, my daughter is a part of The Tikvah Fund overseas leadership program. Unlike students around the world who have learned how to close their mind from any basic reasonable analysis, she is expanding hers to include the hard questions of what kind of leadership will we need after the shooting stops. These are our curriculums.

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